How to care for your tree
Fresh upick christmas trees are the easiest trees to care for. They don’t spend a lot of time sitting around in a tree lot before they make it into your home. But with these helpful tips you’ll make the most of the beauty and scent of your fresh cut tree.
If you don't plan to put the tree up right away, place the tree in a bucket of warm water and stand it in an unheated garage or porch away from the wind and cold.
Before you put up your tree, cut an inch off the base to make it easier for the tree to take in water. Be sure the cut is straight so the tree will stand up properly.
When you bring your tree inside, use a stand that holds at least 4 litres of water.
Keep your tree well-watered. Water prevents the needles from drying and dropping off and maintains the fragrance. Fresh trees may use several litres a day, so check the water level in the stand every few hours when you first put it up.
Never let the water level fall below the base of the tree or the cut end may seal over, preventing further water intake. If this happens, take the tree down and make a fresh cut.
Don't add anything to the water. Though some people swear that throwing in extras such as aspirin, soda water, bleach, salt, sugar, or karo syrup help keep tree fresh for longer, the experts say plain water, and plenty of it, is best.
Christmas Tree Safety Tips
Provide a stable tree stand that holds the tree securely, and is large enough to prevent tipping.
Do not block or obscure any part of an exit or hallway.
Avoid heat sources and keep exposure to direct sunlight to a minimum.
Stabilize your tree by tying it to a wall or ceiling for support.
Check your tree daily, first thing in the morning, for dryness. If it is too dry it can be a fire hazard.
When using electric lighting on Christmas trees, use low energy LED lights that are CSA approved and in good repair.
Ensure that the lights are turned off when the area is vacant. Furthermore, the lights should be unplugged before retiring for the night or leaving the premises.
Locate a fire extinguisher near your tree for additional safety.