How to find us
On your GPS search for Egbert Caldwell Road in Hardwood Lands (not Caldwell Road in Nine Mile River)
*Once you reach Egbert Caldwell Road follow the arrows for 2.5 km’s until you reach the log cabin.
From Halifax:
Follow Hwy 102 North to Exit 9. At the end of the ramp take the 3rd exit from the roundabout towards Hardwood Lands and Hwy 14. After crossing the overpass, at the second roundabout, take the 2nd exit to continue on Hwy 14 for approximately 6 km. Look for the sign on the left side of the road at Egbert Caldwell Road (known as Caldwell Road).
From Truro:
Take Hwy 102 South to Exit 9. At the top of the ramp, when you reach the roundabout, take the first turn onto Hwy 14, and drive for approximately 6 km to Egbert Caldwell Road on the left (known as Caldwell Road).
From Windsor:
Follow Hwy 14 East towards Milford. Just past Nine Mile River look for the big sign on the right at Egbert Caldwell Road (known as Caldwell Road). If you come to the Scothorn Farms dairy barns on the left you have gone too far.